A Quest for Freedom
From long, long ago, there is a story that rides on the wind. It blows past the treetops, flowing over the stones and through the streams…
There long ago lived the renowned native American, Doctress of Indian Hollow, whose heart and natural healings brought visitors from far and wide to meet her along the stagecoach trail in the rustic hills of western Massachusetts. Her wisdom still whispering, in 2003 I would be drawn to that very land of healing light, to learn from the powerful medicine of my elder, creating Eagles Landing Sanctuary on that same 200 bountiful, healing acres of woods, river, and waterfall.
Many years before, as a young woman of 20, seeking something deeper in her heart, Life conspired for me to cross the path of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi. This began a life-long conscious quest to live from the state of Yogastah Kuru Karmani: living established in Being…in Presence…in Truth…with a fragrance of peace and expansive consciousness that a human may be Graced with.
My heart is full of gratitude for those individuals and the Holy Tradition who brought that wisdom of life to me. So many transforming gifts, but most profound and all encompassing is the ability to transcend the ever changing, outer experiences of life, to travel deep within, experiencing the Oneness, the Presence underlying and permeating all of Life.
All blessings to those who usher the way to this all-pervasive field of life, for that has been the foundation of all that came later, and of all inwardly and outwardly that I accomplish in this lifetime. I feel Blessed to have lived this spiritual life, and Blessed again when I may share it with another.
As a long time student of world cultures, and healing tools throughout the ages, my studies led to education in Ayurveda, Nutrition, Breathwork, Conscious Parenting, Polarity Therapy, Applied Kinesiology, Homeopathy, Cranial Sacral Therapy, the Acupuncture Meridian System, Therapeutic Movement, Light and Sound ….many detailed studies in the Health Care field…some of that time educating doctors in using therapeutic nutritional support within their professional practice…offering new Mom and Baby Ayurvedic massage and coaching, and in another dimension of life, being President of the Board of a fledgling Waldorf School on the West Coast…during that time enjoying explorations in Wet-on-wet-Watercolor Painting, biodynamic gardening, and Eurythmy (visible speech and therapeutic movement).
Years later, my own native inclinations led to studying traditional ceremonies for healing, purification and wisdom from cultures around the world. These timeless traditions came into view, bringing me to the work of don Miguel Angel Ruiz, M.D., author of The Four Agreements and Mastery of Love. Among my treasured gifts from Miguel were in opening to receive the love all around me, and in regaining control of my own mind’s attention. My years with the Eagle Knight Lineage spurred many angles of deep inner reflection and growth.
One Easter morning , when introducting me to speak to a large gathering, don Miguel Ruiz announced, “Deborah’s clients are very fortunate to experience her love”. I felt the same about him.
In 1995 as I completed my Masters Degree in Body-Centered Psychotherapy, at Naropa University, Boulder, Colorado… including therapeutic movement, art and healing modalities from around the world, I looked toward those practices which contributed to my own and others’ experience of well-being, of inherent wholeness…my focus has remained in creating solutions for life and peace inside.
So studies ensued in: Chinese Medicine
, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Trauma Release Work, and more…
By drawing from modern scientific research on brain integration and neuroscience, along with traditional healing modalities from around the world, I brought together modern, time effective, nourishing, and profound ways to heal the past, ease suffering in the body-mind and emotions, and manifest a new dream today, enjoying growth, peace and increased happiness in this earthly life…bringing together the seeming polarities of the human experience into the Oneness and Wholeness that is our Birthright and the ultimate Truth of Life…
Through the years I led healing groups and power journeys that changed people’s points of view…back to the truth of who you are…to the big picture guiding our lives…learning tools you weren’t taught growing up… and empowering the ability to create what works for you in this lifetime…all with a sense of groundedness unique to this Mystic Medicine Woman, as my Cherokee friends named me.
In youth it is said, I walked courageously and with grace through a history of childhood poverty, fear, abuse, abandonment, self responsibility, emptiness and aloneness. My path meandered through relationships of great love, betrayal, grief, separation and longing. I know the upheaval of seeming to have nothing, climbing to success and one more time, starting life again.
I was been drawn to help others through life’s challenges since childhood, first finding relief in a heightened awareness of others, in caretaking, in loving all Beings, regardless of their flaws, in movement and in silence…later taking solace in the peace and spaciousness of Nature, the inspiration of color, light and music…and opening to the infinite resources and power of the subtle, unseen world in which we live.
Life has brought me the experiences that would allow me to find that expansive, Universal love for all Beings…to find deep relief within the Self…to create what I need from what is at hand…and to trust most of all in the infinite, transcendental field of life, knowing and resting in Being with the Wholeness of creation.
These have been the gifts of my journey, and I happily share them. I have learned the power of awareness, action in line with intent, manifesting, and an ability to make complicated life situations simple and clear by getting under the surface to the deepest truth and big picture point of view. I hold unconditional love for each one while you learn to rest in it, helping you finding the place inside that feels good about who you are, and all the while learning to trust in, Be and radiate the expansive, spacious, transcendental peace which is our deepest truth and purpose.
My own intense journey and extensive trainings have given a rich life experience to walk with you through your challenges to find the wisdom which helps you rise out of stress and suffering. I help you see what is hidden from view, under the surface, perceiving the big picture operating in your life, to support being rooted firmly in your wholeness. In today’s difficult times, we all make these journeys with loving support and practical tools.
With all the love I have lived, I thought I could not be any happier inside. Yet now in my elder years, as so many times before, I am again Graced with crossing the paths of Beings who further ease my way in the truth of who I AM…my meetings with AnandaMayiMa and Sri Mooji have brought me to exactly what is needed in present time, moment after moment.
So deeply grateful, I am open wide to this chapter of the Life moving through me.
Offered with All My Love and Intent for Blessings Coming to You…
Deborah’s mastery is in transforming life situations with the Love that flows through her, blended with profound inner vision, deep connection with Truth and integrity, as well as her extensive healing modalities. Deborah offers therapeutic life coaching TLC for individuals, couples and children to relieve stress and solve the stuck problems that keep you from living your full range of possibilities, whether it is flow and success in your life….or relief in the body…or in loving, intimacy and communication that works in relationships. She works with difficult teens as their advocate, and helps families to understand the deeper needs of each other. Deborah brings the biodynamic model of cranial sacral therapy to help each individual connect with their deep, inner resources, wholeness, expansive intuition, then allowing that flow and stillness to translate into smoothness and relief in your body and daily life.
Deborah is the author of the book and CD set you can download now… CHOOSING FREEDOM: Healing the Source of Limiting Beliefs, which includes short practices, in which her potent voice and intent guide and help you:
*Release Stuck Emotions from the 5 Yin Organs (Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Heart, Spleen)…
*Retrieve lost or scattered Energy from the present or past times of overwhelm or trauma…
*Open the flow of Light surrounding you as natural protection, so you can feel safe to be you, to breathe, to rest, to digest your food…
*Finding Peace Inside when critical thoughts make you feel scared or upset about yourself…and more…
Deborah also created the 4-CD Set: Tools for Life to help
you deepen your growth…download, call or e-mail Deborah to get your copy…
So in a session with Deborah, whether on the phone or in person…she will guide you through the gentle release of stress and stuck places inside…the places that hold you back….whether their root is in childhood, still playing itself out, or in current time…or even longer ago, as in generational patterns….what is stuck can move, because at your core you are Whole and Complete….that has never changed…Deborah Lord’s gifts of inner seeing, subtle awareness and unconditional love help guide you to that expansive experience in daily life.
Deborah Lord, M.A.
413 207 1821