To Change the Dream You Are Living…
Move Through What is Stuck to Find Ease
Transform Struggle, Stress and Fear into Peace
In Just Moments a Day, Learn the Tools You Weren’t Taught
for Peaceful Body – Mind – Heart
Come Home to Your Self
Access Comfort with Who You Are
Understand Your Deeper Needs and Their Impact on All Your Relationships
Release the Hold Your History Has Had on You
See the Big Picture Clearly of What is Unfolding for You
Flow with Life – Let Go the Fight with What Is
Deborah Lord, M.A., Therapeutic Life Coaching (TLC)
40 Years Integrating Body-Mind-Emotional Health
Drug-Free Therapies and Energy Medicine
“My greatest joy and heartfelt commitment is to align your
body-mind-heart with what is deeply true for your Being, so
suffering gives way to peace… your needs are met…struggle yields to comfort, and you see the flow of the big picture operating in your life.” ~Deborah Lord
Body Centered Psychotherapy
Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy
Brain Integration Tools for Focus, Learning & Releasing Patterns
Bringing together modern brain and neuroscience research with traditional healing tools from around the world
Personalized Plant Essence Formulas
Nurturing Trauma Release
Healing Hearts and Relationship with Self & Others
Understanding How to Get Needs Met in Relationships
Communication Skills that Work
Drug-Free Therapies for Self-Esteem-Learning-Focusing Problems
- Stressed, Stuck, Fear, Self Doubt, Confused, Tense, Anxious, Critical
- Tired of Repeating Old Experiences, Suffering over Past, Present or Future
- Comparing Yourself to Others, Unable to Move Past Something,
Not Good Enough - Longing for What You Don’t Have, Frustrated with Life, Yourself or Others
- Wishing Things Were Different, Trying to Push the River, Procrastination
- Difficulty with Focus or Manifesting, Upset with Relationships
- Wanting to Grow…
- Overwhelmed
- Critical ~ Afraid
- Dis-empowered
- Confused ~ Holding Back
- Disappointment ~ Grief
- Separate ~ alone
- Boxed in
- Needing Focus
- Longing for Meaning in Life
- Transform Stress
- Release Obstacles
- Heal Patterns that keep you Stuck
- Overcome Fear, Judgment, Trauma
- Retrieve the Energy to Create What you Need
- Recover Your Sense of Worth
- Connect Deeply to Peace Inside
- Gain Practical Strategies for Loving Relationships
- Learn the Tools for Life we weren’t taught growing up
~ Adults ~ ~ Couples ~ ~ Adolescents ~ ~ Children ~
“Deborah’s clients are very fortunate to experience her love.” from Miguel Ruiz M.D., Author of The Four Agreements and Mastery of Love,
as seen on “Oprah”.
ToThis is a place holder.
You May Call Her at: 413 207 1821
or E-Mail:
Appointments are available in person or on the phone, and you may pay for phone sessions with Pay Pal
By drawing from scientific research on the brain, the nervous system and physics, joined with ancient traditions from around the world, Deborah Lord, M.A. has created a modern, time effective, nourishing and profound way to heal the past and manifest a new dream of inner growth today.
Deborah’s professional trainings and experience include:
- Body Centered Psychotherapy
- Biodynamic Cranial Sacral Therapy
- Brain Integration and Kinesiology
- Ayurveda
- Chinese medicine
- Bach and North American Plant Essences
- Communication Skills
- Love Based Relationship Coaching
So in a session with Deborah, whether on the phone or in person…she will guide you through the gentle release of stress and stuck places inside; the places that hold you back. Whether their root is in your childhood, still playing itself out today, in current time or even longer ago, as in generational patterns, what is stuck can move, because at your core you are Whole and Complete….that has never changed. Deborah’s gifts of inner seeing, expansive awareness and unconditional love help guide you to that expansive experience in daily life.
She offers healing sessions in person and by phone, by appointment throughout the country. (413 207 1821)
Through the years he has led groups and power journeys to foreign lands that change people’s lives and point of view…
Back to the truth of who you are, to the big picture guiding your life, learning tools to create what serves you in this lifetime, all with a sense of grace and groundedness unique to this Mystic Medicine Woman.
Deborah generously shares her gifts of awareness, life and relationship skills, manifesting peace, transformation and higher consciousness around her. Her profound skillfulness in helping you know what is under the surface, hidden from view results in an uncanny ability to clarify your complicated life situations by getting to the deepest truth and understanding of the big picture that is unfolding. Deborah’s mastery is in transforming life situations with the Love that flows through her as she blends her profound inner vision, deep connection with Truth and integrity, and extensive healing modalities to nourish and support you.
In Personal Healing Sessions she creates the opportunity to move stuck places you have held onto out of habit and fear. She brings you innovative practical tools and skills that work to create the changes you need, all in a nurturing, loving environment. Each session is unique and brings you to a deep and expansive experience.
She offers therapeutic life coaching for individuals, couples and businesses to relieve stresses and solve the stuck problems that keep you from living your full range of possibilities, whether it is efficiency, flow and success in business….or the flow of love, intimacy and communication that works in relationships with self, children and partners. She works with difficult teens as their advocate, and helps families to understand the deeper needs of each other.
Deborah brings the biodynamic model of cranial sacral therapy to help each individual connect with their deep, inner resources, resiliency, wholeness, then allowing that flow and stillness to translate into smoothness and relief in your daily life. She works with babies having trauma or difficulties to nurture their delicate beginning in life, as well as offering the Ayurvedic Mom and Baby Massage program at home, for new mothers.
Deborah is
the author of the book & CD set you can download now
CHOOSING FREEDOM: Healing the Source of Limiting Beliefs
including 2 CDs of short practices in which her potent voice and intent guide and help you:
Release Stuck Emotions from the 5 Yin Organs (Liver, Kidneys, Lungs, Heart, Spleen)
Retrieve lost or scattered Energy from the present or past times of overwhelm or trauma
Open the flow of Light surrounding you as natural protection, so you can feel safe to be you, to breathe, to rest, to digest your food
Finding Peace Inside when critical thoughts make you feel scared or upset about yourself … and more
Also deepen your growth with
TOOLS FOR LIFE: Transformation for Busy People
4 CD Set with traditional healing tools from around the world
Download, Call or Email Deborah to Order